Sunday, May 22, 2011


It has been difficult to get outside these past few weeks as it has rained incessantly up and down the east coast.  One can't really get one's veggie garden started if it is going to wash away one's seeds and I wait.  Yesterday was the first day of sunshine in awhile and I took full advantage of it!  I started on the front perennial garden (keyword is "started") and hopefully I will be able to finish today.  There is always something to do in the garden and it is blissful to be able to work outside, listening to the birds serenade me as I dig in God's earth.  I am currently thinning out plants so if you would like some black eyed susans, please let me know.  I can't stand for plants to be thrown out.  The miracle of life is unceasing and I love to share it.  Anyway, I hope you can get out and enjoy the fresh air soon! 

Hugz n blessings,

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